Forthcoming Publications
Mackenzie, J.L., accepted. Western and Central Europe; Post-Columbian languages of the Americas. In C. Moseley, L. Kahn and R.-L. Valijärvi (eds), Atlas of the World's Languages, 3rd revised edition. London etc.: Routledge.
Alba-Juez, L. and J.L. Mackenzie, accepted. The discourse of emotion. In V. Pérez, N.R. Maza & K. Cárdenas (eds), Emociones, Discurso y Argumentación. Puebla, Mexico: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
Mackenzie, J.L., E. ten Wolde, R. Giomi and K. Hengeveld, accepted. Introduction. In E. ten Wolde, R. Giomi and K. Hengeveld (eds), Linearization in Functional Discourse Grammar (Trends in Linguistics - Studies and Monographs). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. For publication in 2025.