2009 Publications
Hannay, M. and J.L. Mackenzie, 2009. Effective writing in English: a sourcebook. Bussum: Coutinho. (2nd, revised version of Hannay, M. and J.L. Mackenzie, 1996. Effective writing in English: a resource guide. Groningen: Martinus Nijhoff.). Reviewed by Joke Wieringa in Levende Talen 2009.7, p. 45.
Mackenzie, J.L., 2009. Content interrogatives in a sample of 50 languages. Lingua 119.8. 1131-1163. DOI: 10.1916/j.lingua.2007.12.005.
Hengeveld, K. and J.L. Mackenzie, 2009. Alinhamento interpessoal, representacional e morfossintático na Gramática Discursivo-Funcional. DELTA 25.1. 181-208. DOI: 10.1590/s0102-44502009000100007
Mackenzie, J.L., 2009. Aspects of the interpersonal grammar of Gaelic. Linguistics 47.4. 885-911. DOI: 10.1515/LING.2009.031.
Mackenzie, J.L., 2009. Revisiter Moutaouakil. In Le fonctionnalisme dans la linguistique arabe et ses nouveaux horizons (Série Actes de colloques 20). Université Moulay Ismail: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Meknès, Morocco. 1-18.
Mackenzie, J.L., 2009. On a friendly and scholarly basis: Some remarks on an adverbializing construction. In S. Slembrouck, M. Taverniers & M. Van Herreweghe (eds), From will to well: Studies in linguistics offered to Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Ghent: Academia Press, 313-324.
Mackenzie, J.L., 2009. English fail to as a periphrastic negative: an FDG account. WP-FDG: Web Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar 82: The London Papers I. 1-28.