2020 Publications

Neves, M.H.M., J.L. Mackenzie and A.V.L. Coneglian (eds.), 2020. Revista da ABRALIN 19.3 (Dossiê Temático: Descrição funcional das línguas naturais). Special Issue of the ABRALIN Journal: Functional description of natural languages. 17-239. DOI: 10.25189/rabralin.v19i3

Neves, M.H.M., J.L. Mackenzie and A.V.L. Coneglian, 2020. Incursões funcionalistas em análise: teoria e prática. In the above-named issue of Revista da ABRALIN, 17-24. DOI: 10.25189/rabralin.v19i3.1782

Neves, M.H.M., J.L. Mackenzie and A.V.L. Coneglian, 2020. Analytical forays into functionalism: Theory and practice. Revista da ABRALIN 19.3, 17-24. DOI: 10.25189/rabralin.v19i3.1782

Mackenzie, J.L., 2020. Functional approaches. In B. Aarts, J. Bowie and G. Popova (eds), Oxford Handbook of English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 180-200. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198755104.013.23. Review by Cameron Morin on LinguistList; review by Laure Gardelle in Cercles; "... a concise yet exhaustive dive into the scholarly discourse surrounding English grammar and linguistics ...", Dylan Schrader, Technical Communication.

Hengeveld, K. and J.L. Mackenzie, 2020. Nahw alkhitab alwadifiu (Translation into Arabic of our 'Functional Discourse Grammar' by Abderrahmane Rahmouni and Aziz El Amari). In Aziz El Amari and Abderrahmane Rahmouni (eds), Allisaniat Alwadifia: Anadaria, Anamadej wa Lmouqarabaat. Jordan: Dar Kunouz Almarefa. 59-120.

Mackenzie, J.L., 2020. Why Functional Discourse Grammar is not, and could not be, a discourse grammar. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 80. 73-87. DOI: 10.25145/j.recaesin.2020.80.05.

Mackenzie, J.L., 2020. 'Still Lisbon'. Translation of 'Lisboa ainda' by Manuel Alegre. Translation Matters 2.1. 9. See also Karen Bennett's sympathetic and insightful discussion of the translation in her 'Editor's Introduction: The potentials and perils of deterritorialisation'.

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